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The First Stone Revisited (2018 2nd edition)
In 1995 noted Australian feminist and author Helen Garner published her book ‘The First Stone’. In this she examined the case of two charges of indecent assault that were brought by the Victorian Police against the then Master of Ormond College, Melbourne University. She tried to understand why the complaints were brought and why events
The Evolution of a Lie Chapter 9
2016 chapter 9 The UOW Lie – A closer look at Corinne Cortese’s story and Robyn Weekes, the cooperative Director EEDU UOW.
The Evolution of a Lie Chapter 2
2016 chapter 2 (2) The Evolution of a Lie Chapter 2 A timeline and outline of the evolution of the Lie from the 1990’s to November 2006
The Evolution of a Lie Chapter 1
2016 chapter 1 (2) The Evolution of a Lie Chapter 1 The Story